Saturday, May 12, 2007

My First Blog

Finally, I was convinced to my satisfaction to start blogging and share my experiences on various topics and issues of interest to various communities on the internet.

As I am more of a technologist, please be advised that the topics may be as geeky as a geek could be.

I can't wait to tell you that I live and breathe Java. I am all into the world of JEE, Messaging(JMS), Web Services, SOA paradigms and other EAI technologies. I am also a novice in .NET technologies (primarily C#, to me it is just a cousin of Java and I found more similarities rather than dissimilarities).

As a matter of fact, I recently authored my second article at JavaWorld. It mainly demonstrates how one can utilize distributed transactions (JTA/XA) in standalone Java applications. The article focuses on how one can integrate different standalone JTA implementations (JBossTS, Atomikos and Bitronix) using the widely popular Spring framework. Please let me know your comments, if you get a chance to read.

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